Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our last trip to Moms until spring (probably)

I really wanted to get to my moms one more time before we got snowed in here so we decided to go on her birthday. The kids helped me bake a LEMON CAKE (thanks for the recipe Goldia!!!) so we could wish Grandma happy birthday the right way.
Lisa my bestest friend and my sis and her kids all made it!! We had so much fun. Lisa helped out with the kids so much my mom was like "COME BACK EVERYTIME TAMI COMES!" LOL

Andy got to play games on her iphone and Sami got to put on lots of lips (chapstick). We had alot of fun and just in time too! As we just got snow in the mountains on Wednesday.
We even got to lock the kids up for awhile LOL I'm just kidding..they got in their all by themselves. Thanks mom for a great weekend and thanks Lisa and Theresa for coming!

1 comment:

Grandma Gog said...

Happy Birthday, Sandy. The kids always seem to find a reason to celebrate. Tami, I bet you all had a great time. Family is the best thing ever, isn't it. Keep warm. After this little cold snap, we should have a couple of weeks of warmer weather. However, it still gets dark earlier and earlier. Love you all. You know your children are beautiful, right? OXOXO Grandma Gog